Help Us Promote the Study of German in Wisconsin! The German Language and School Society (Deutscher Sprach- und Schulverein) is looking for members and help in the planning, organization, and administration of our programs. Your skill or talent is welcome and needed. No need to be a German expert! Our scholarships and awards are totally funded by memberships, donations and bequests. We encourage you to join and support the DSSV so that we may continue to advance our mission. We especially hope teachers and families of award winners will support our organization. Annual Membership: Family $50Individual $25Teachers $20Student $10 Additional Contribution $ The DSSV is a non-profit organization, and all dues and donations are tax deductible. Please consider planning a contribution to the DSSV through your estate. For information about tax-exempt contributions or sponsorships, please email: Please provide the following information: First Name Last Name Address City State Zip Cell Phone Home Phone email Whether you are a student, family member, teacher or other supporter of German, please join us by writing your check made out to the German Language and School Society and by completing and mailing this form along with your check to: German Language and School Society 15205 Fieldstone Drive Brookfield, WI 53005 Would you be interested in assisting in a volunteer capacity? If so, please let us know where you would like to help: Communications and PublicityAward CeremonyFundraising or Award SponsorshipContest CoordinationGerman Fest DSSV booth Other Special Interests Contact the DSSV: